In partnership with @Dermablend we hosted our youth and adults from the Georgia/Atlanta-area, for an empowering self-esteem makeover called ReVITalize. National Vitiligo Bond Inc Foundation wanted a space for our youth and adults to have fun, dance it out and feel empowered to learn about make-up options. Our members felt comfortable coming out and trying out make-up and learning how to accentuate their skin with or without makeup. CEO & Founder Natasha Pierre McCarthy of Vitiligo Bond encouraged the youth and adults who volunteered to a mini fashion show/makeup model event. Special celebrity artisit Prince Silento was invited to give back and bring the joy of dance to our community. Mrs. Pierre McCarthy believes that it is important to impact and support the youth who live with vitiligo.
ReVITalize Impact
Vitililgo Bond’s Annual Self Esteem Makeover Event “ReVITalize”
Embracing Diversity & Inclusion Vitiligo Awareness Walk