
National Vitiligo Bond Inc Foundation

Let Your Light Shine! Awareness+Empowerement+Support


Georgia First Annual Vitiligo 5K Fun Walk/Run

We wanted to say thank you as we kick-off our (#GAGivesDay on #GivingTuesday) first annual 5K Vitiligo Toucan Fun Walk/Run. We are so grateful this year for our super advocates like Perry (Vitiligo Man of Action) Nicklya (KKutieStar), Tionta, Monyuette (VitChick), Justin(Grindpreneur) Oscar(Differ), Que, Vitiligo Queen, Nicole, Jamillia, Fanie, Maime, Jackie, Parentha, Jhori, Christina, Karl (CoachDunbar), Tammi… Read More

National Vitiligo Bond Inc Foundation #GAGives on #GivingTuesday

      Georgia Gives Day on #GivingTuesday is November 28th 2017!  Help make Georgia’s biggest day of giving even bigger: Show your love on November 28th by giving to National Vitiligo Bond Inc Foundation aka Vitiligo Bond Inc (VBI)! By contributing a little, together we can do a lot to further our mission.  … Read More

Vitiligo Bond Basketball Socials

CEO, Mrs. McCarthy coordinated event with South Carolina vitiligo support group CEO, Mrs. Jefferson.  Members from Georgia and South Carolina had a great time together.  Stay tuned!

New Mississippi Vitiligo Support Group

Ms. Walker was one of our advocates who decided to take it to another level in her state.  Ms. Walker consulted and worked with CEO, Mrs. McCarthy remotely to get her group started in her state of Mississippi.  Ms. Walker is amazing and passionate about shining a light for people in Mississippi living with vitiligo.

New support group in Virginia-Be The True You Tour

Mrs. Yarborough was one of our advocates who decided to take it to another level in her state of Virginia.  Ms.Yarborough consulted and worked with CEO, Mrs. McCarthy remotely to get her group started in her state of Virginia.  Ms. Yarborough planned her first meet and greet.  Thank you to the sponsors who helped Mrs. Yarborough with… Read More

Macy’s Collaborates with Vitiligo Bond Inc

Macy’s partners with Vitiligo Bond Inc to bring awareness to vitiligo and to show members how to apply Dermablend.  Vitiligo Bond, CEO coordinated a program and featured youth in the community rocking the runway, advocating for vitiligo, and performing anti-bullying songs.

CEO of National Vitiligo Bond Inc Foundation was honored by MIPO

CEO of National Vitiligo Bond Inc Foundation was honored by MIPO for making the impossible possible. Thank you “Making the Impossible Possible” (MIPO) for the recognition awards from your organization and citations from New York state legislative officials for the advocacy work done by CEO, Mrs. McCarthy at National Vitiligo Bond Inc Foundation. #MIPO #VitiligoBond #VitiligoAwareness… Read More